You won’t be fighting gravity
The 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt in the water takes care of that while you lie passively and effortlessly on your back. As you lay in absolute tranquility, every muscle is allowed to relieve its functional tensions gradually. Your entire body, including internal organs, muscles, and bones, will be, for the first time, entirely rested and at ease.

You won’t be feeling stress
Feelings of profound peace and joy are induced by the release of dopamine and endorphins, the body’s natural mood elevators, and pain reducers. A beautiful silence is experienced, and a lightness of being that cannot be felt in any other way unfolds.

You won’t be interpreting and processing external stimuli
Without the presence of light, sound, temperature, gravitational forces, and other sensations, the brain can expand into areas ordinarily inaccessible except during deep meditation. It turns out that when you’re not fighting gravity or regularly taking in information, your body has a lot of extra resources at its disposal. As you float, a freeing process takes effect, stress is left behind, healing takes place more rapidly, learning and creativity are enhanced, sudden insights and inspirations may unfold, and problems are more easily solved.
What is Float Therapy?

Float makes you feel refreshed, rejuvenated and revived, a feeling that can last for days.
Frequently Ask Questions
ask us anything
Come as you are. Feel free to bring your brush or comb, but we do have them available if needed. For your sessions we provide everything that you need – towels, earplugs, body wash, shampoo, conditioner and hair dryers are all provided. Don’t worry about your makeup, we also provide you with makeup remover and a washcloth in the shower
In the 24 hours before your float, don’t shave or wax as the Epsom salt solution may sting if you have an abrasion (we’ll provide single use packets of petroleum jelly to cover any small abrasions). Don’t drink caffeinated beverages for several hours before you float, as it may interfere with your ability to relax. Eating a light meal about an hour to 90 minutes prior to your float should alleviate any hunger pains.
Absolutely. Each tank has a completely silent air circulation system that is constantly pulling out stale air and replacing it with fresh air.
Float District locations are equipped with the Only “Couples Rooms” (Double Wide) in the market. Couples floats are a great way to introduce a friend or family member to floating who is apprehensive about the experience. We do have three float rooms minimum in our locations, so up to four people can come in to float at any one time, so bring your friends. If you have friends who prefer not to float, we offer at least three other service modalities for them to experience while others in your party float.
During the day we are constantly bombarded by sensory input and mental activity. In your first float your mind will be adjusting to the lack of stimulation and your brain may demand to be entertained. Take some deep breaths and relax into the experience, soon you’ll float away.
In this age of instant gratification and multi-tasking it can be very difficult to not put expectations on everything that we do. We suggest that you approach your float with compassionate curiosity and allow yourself to simply be in the moment. Know that whatever your experience, your body is receiving the benefits of deep relaxation and everyone’s float is different.
Many people experience significant benefits on their first float, however like any form of active wellness, consistency and repeated usage yields the best results. We find that after your second or third float, you’ll be able to more easily relax both physically and mentally and you’ll really start to feel how awesome floating can be.
Next Generation WAVE ELITE Float Rooms are flowing with innovation, they truly are revolutionizing the flotation industry with their state-of-the-art float rooms. The Wave Elite is not a pod nor tank, Wave Float Rooms offer the perfect solution. The preferred comfort of a float room along with the signature Wave contour ceiling, will provide the ideal atmosphere for the perfect float experience. Our “Room within a Room” design, provides a heated buffer zone that allows for a condensation free float, with precise air temperature control allows for a consistent float therapy session.
The Wave exclusive design offers a glass entry door and roomy interior with a spacious, bright and welcoming atmosphere. Effectively eliminating the fear factor associated with pods and tanks, you can see why the Wave Float Room has been called the perfect hybrid between a pod and other float rooms.
Inside your Wave Float Room standard features include an intercom system, under water lighting, safety grab bars, a glass entry door and an audio system. The audio system features auto fade at the start and/or end of every float session and other options to personalize each float experience.
And to top off the beautiful design and precise sensory-free technology is the advanced sanitation offered through the Vortex Filtration System that rounds out this technology. The Vortex system offers the following:
High speed filtration, over 90 GPM flow rate between clients
Minimum of eight turnovers of solution between clients
Three points of suction for the most thorough cleaning
Automatically dossed, UV, ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide
This is why FLOAT DISTRICT invested in the ultimate in next generation float therapy equipment.
FLOAT DISTRICT locations will be among the very first locations in the world to offer the WAVE ELITE COUPLES FLOAT built to allow two people to float in the same room. Float District is the only center in Omaha offering Couples Floats. This is a great way to introduce a skeptical friend or family member to floating.
Consider the following from the release we have all floaters sign.
I will NOT use the floatation tank if:
I have not showered thoroughly and still have oils, creams, or makeup on my body.
I have had any type of hair color/treatment within the past two weeks.
I am pregnant and have not discussed floating with my Doctor.
I am under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
I have a communicable or infectious skin condition, disorder, or diseases.
I have open sores.
I am diabetic, and I have not discussed floating with my Doctor.
I have a history of heart trouble, schizophrenia, epilepsy, seizures or blackouts and have not received my doctor’s permission to use the floatation tank.
I am experiencing a heavy menstrual period.
I have a skin condition which may be adversely affected by absorption of magnesium.
I am taking a medication or medications which magnesium from the Epson salt can have interactions with certain antibiotics and muscle relaxants.
I have kidney disease.
I have incontinence, or voluntarily/involuntarily release of bodily fluids of any kind.
I have low blood pressure which makes it hard for me to sit or stand up.
I understand that if during my float session there is any contamination of the float tank water it may result in a full drain, clean and solution replacement. This results in not only the cost of cleaning and the water and Epson salt for the replacement solution, it creates significant down time for that room resulting in lost revenues. We inspect and clean every room after every session. Should we find the float room soiled after your session, you may be charged a cleaning fee of up to $1,500 if it requires a full solution replacement and significant cleaning.